Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How To Save Yourself

This post is dedicated to all the good times, the happy faces, the laughs and the loves.


First, put on your headphone and play Lizzo. Preferably Truth Hurts. Or Taylor Swift's Lover.

Then close your eyes. Start recalling what makes you smile this week. Think about the people around you, the food, what jokes you're telling them, your lunch, how they laugh, how you laugh.

Keeping your eyes close, you are now recalling moments you are so grateful of this month. Remember the feelings, when you are anything but calm and joyful.

Then think about your achievement so far this year. Did you check out your new year wish list? Have you been kind, to others, to you? Have you learnt how to forgive more? Have you let go of what you can't control? Have you accepted your curves and edges? Are you happy being who you are now?


I need to believe that they all be coming back at me. All at once, or one by one. I need to believe that I will be coming back to them, as one should, as one definitely will, cause nothing is destined to be out of love.

I just need to believe.