Saturday, August 08, 2020

Unstated, Undone

Since I'm floating now, I will just enjoy the scenery. I will breath, as much as my lung can. I will follow the cloud, as far as my eyes can. I will be burnt out of my misery during day and tracing the silver lining during night. I will invite the sun and the moon, tell them stories about a man and a lady fall hard for each others.

Since I'm floating now, I will be weightless. I will let my mind flies through the atmosphere, visiting the stars one by one. I will let my consciousness leaves my body, tiptoeing amongst the shadow, stealing cosmic's secret. I will be everywhere, but nowhere at the same time. I will be there, but you will not catch my shadow.

I bind my eyes. I hand the control to the wind, surrender the dance to the stream. For now I'm floating.