Friday, June 14, 2013


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hi there. cant believe it's been like a year of hiatus hehe. i find out that it's so hard to keep your routines when a lot of things in your life spin faster than before (like me turning 21 years old this month ckckckk time flies too fast. way too fast). i sometimes feel like iam not breathing at all because of  life's complexion after you left high school. damn, i miss high school so much. i miss those carefree and stress-less days that all we thought was how to be cool ha ha ha.

i haven't changed, yet. i still have the peterpan syndrome (but i think i have more control about it now), daydreaming during class, buying cute stuffs (cant help it) bla bla bla. iam kind of tired being forced to growing up. think like an adult, dress like an adult, talk like an adult blah blah blah. i never imagined that growing up can be so tiring and restless. seriously. i mean, what's wrong with cherry printed dress and sneakers and rainbow sprinkles ice cream? people, don't be so boring, please.

a part of my grumblings and complains about life, iam so grateful that even in this so-unfair-life i still get a chance to make my dreams come true no matter how small the opportunities are. see? it's not that bad if we're patiently waiting and praying and asking and nagging (haha)  to God that he kindly open up the door to our dreams becoming true. in my 21 years old woman's opinion, we have to fight for whatever dreams we have. what's the point of living if we're not doing something we really like? if we just doing some routine like born then kindergarten then elementary the junior high then high school then graduated from high school then university then cum laude then behind the desk job then get married then have kids then working our ass out to have a better living and pay for our kid's school tuition (which i believe will be so expensive in the future) then die? i just don't want to rush things. i want to enjoy whatever i have right now and making my dreams to be true. as i said earlier, if we're patiently waiting and praying and trying good God will answer our wishes. so don't you worry , child :D

actually, iam writing this post because i have nothing to do (and too lazy to do some school tasks. they can wait hahhaha) and i happened to see super beautiful sunset from my window this afternoon. it's like magic how something simple like sunset and stars can calm my mind and make me happy (ear to ear happy smile). sometimes we're so busy that we don't notice the beauty around us but travel crossing seven seas just to find what beauty is. but you know, every person have their own journey. iam writing mine.

PS : my birthday will be at June 21st so this gonna be too early hahaha but happy birthday me! keep doing awesome :D

PPS : i loveeee presents so if you're thinking of sending me some birthday presents, please do! because i'll be more than happy to accept wahahaha ;)

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