Saturday, February 15, 2014

I understand if you dont understand

being unforgiven is the worst feeling of all.

have you ever feeling so guilty you cant sleep at night? or everytime you think about it you feel sick and hopeless and miserable?

people say that it's forgiven but not forgotten. but at the other side, realizing that you're making a mistake that you probably ruin every nice thing you've already had, that you probably breaking their hearts those cant be mend, that you probably lose their faith in you... it's hard if you're really really sorry about it and others dont take it serious. the fact that they forgive you at the end but never really get over it, you're the one who's in pain cause the mistake you made is a reminder for you. you're the one who never forget. and probably it haunts you to your sleep.

something is hard to forgive. something is hard to forget. but how horibble it will be if you're the one who make that mistake and have to carry on the pain the rest of you life?

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