Sunday, February 18, 2018

Half Full Glass


What's wrong with time? How come it passes in the blink of an eye? I can't really accept it's almost the end of February. Where have I been these past 1 and a half month?

January was an interesting start of a new year. I began working in a new position and it's been a fun learning process. I was faced with many of my fear, including leading a team and handling mad clients. I'm proudly say, I'm doing pretty good hehe. It feels so nice to be in a environment where everyone is supportive towards each other. It feels so nice that every achievement is being respected and acknowledge. I have to say that I can respect myself better, in a way that is unselfish and mature.

February is another challenge for me. Business is in its peak with Valentine's Day and Chinese New Year Celebration around the corner. When I was in the busiest hour, I went full autopilot. I had no clear conscious of what I did or how I survived the high season. Is it weird? Or is it a tired mind speaking? Haha. I feel relieved that it's all over now, and I can finally take back my peaceful Sunday morning. But hey, suddenly, it's entering the end of February. For the next 5 days, it's gonna be another crazy packed schedule at the office. I don't even want to imagine how I'm gonna deal with all of the pressure. Thankfully, this weekend has been a relaxing one for me, hanging out with my best friends and my brother, watching bad tv, eating instant noddle. I'm pretty much ready for whatever comes in my way tomorrow.

It's save to say that for the next 2 years, it will be full about work work work. I feel a lil bit sorry for my self, to be honest. Well, probably because there's nothing really going on in my personal life aside from my career. But on the other side, I'm so so grateful that I've been given a chance to pursue what I want, what I dream. I know I need a lot of catching up to do, because I'm fully aware of my goals before I hit 30. Is it too ambitious for a girl? Well, I have to be. I quit doing things the way other's want. It's never too ambitious, never too high, never too late. Dreaming is free after all. The hustles come in different package. I don't want to look back and realise that I'm not going all out for my dream. But I'm not gonna lie, that I start to long for a companion that share the same vision with me. Like Carrie said, someone not to tame, but to run wildly together. It will be so nice if I can share the dream with someone. It will be nice if we can travel all the possibilities together. Now, I blame Acha for making me this sentimental. She's been nothing but a bundle of happiness ever since the marriage. And I'm, so so happy for her.

Now I miss her again huhu :(

Btw, I want to share some great IG accounts that I find really inspirational. I've learnt a great deal through those accounts and I hope it can inspire you too.

Gak perlu ribet kalau emang mau berubah. Gak perlu banyak alasan kalau emang mau maju hidupnya. Lakukan dulu satu hal baik, dan gua percaya hal baik lainnya akan ngikut. Ga percaya, nih TRUE STORY dari gua. _ Gua sempet share ini di akun gua yg lebih ‘femes’ nan ‘cetar’ @captainruby, walaupun sebenernya gua masih remah-remah abon dibanding foodbloher ternama ibu kota. Ok, lets save that for next time nanti melenceng. Hahaha. Ini ceritanya. _ I was overweight back in 2015. Bertahun-tahun biarin aja menggemuk dengan alasan “job hazard”. Ya kerjaannya moto makanan, ya begini deh. Tanpa gua sadari ini ngaruh kemana-mana. Kerja jadi slow. Napas lebih terengah-engah. Cepet capek. Ga bisa ngerjain banyak hal. Mood lebih sering jumpalitan. Lalu ga pede karena mesti milih banget outfit yg keliatan gembul. I’m sure a lot of you can relate with this. _ Lalu karena ngelirik temen gue Miss Fia Van Burren lagi diet Mayo, gua penasaran dan cobain juga. This was back in 2015. It was my birthday, and gua bingung mau reward diri sendiri apa. So, I took the Mayo challenge. Fast forward dua minggu kemudian, entah bagaimana magic nya, gua kurusan hampir 4 KG. Gue terusin lagi nambah sebulan clean eating, dan total setelah hampir dua bulan gua lebih ringan 7KG. And guess what? Gua merasa hidup gua ikut lebih ringan juga. _ Satu hal baik tadi akhirnya berlanjut ke hal baik lain. Gua perform better at work. Gua lebih seger dan bisa ngerjain lebih banyak hal. Gua lebih happy karena uda ga ribet lagi make baju apa. Everything fits! Dan itu ngasih confidence yang ngefek ke mana mana. _ Semuanya dimulai dari sebuah keputusan untuk memulai SATU HAL BAIK. The rest will follows. Gua ga sabar menghadiahkan diri gua sesuatu yg keren di ulang tahun gua nanti bulan September. 😊😊😊 _ Nah, yang Januari kemarin udah barengan mau ikutan perjalanan #belajarberkaryaberbagi di 2018, gimana kabarnya? Apa satu hal baik yg sedang lo kerjakan? Uda mulai nyatet pengeluaran dengan apps? Uda mulai berhemat dan nabung? Uda explore passion lo? _ Let me hear your story! Mau juga kan menghadiahkan diri lo sendiri satu hal baik? _ #belajarberkaryaberbagi #lifeskills #millenialmentor #fellexandroruby
A post shared by Fellexandro Ruby (@fellexandro) on

Belakangan berkebun jadi lebih menyenangkan. Hasil panen di musim panas kali ini ternyata berlimpah banget 😍 Setiap minggunya pasti ada aja kelebihan kale, zucchini, spinach, mustard, rocket, bok choy, daun bawang, tomat dan wah masih banyak lagi. Kadang enek juga makan variasi zucchini dari gorengan sampe pasta selama sebulan haha. Temen-temen dan tetanggapun akhirnya jadi ‘korban’ surplus sayuran #rarabenhomegarden. Beberapa dari mereka rutin berkunjung ke rumah buat panen sendiri sayur mayur mingguannya #partisipatoris, ga lupa restock sambal bu rara atau bapa ben yang lagi in season πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯ #itslit . Gatau kenapa tapi semenjak belajar berkebun, masak & bikin kue, jadi merasa kalau berbagi makanan & masakan adalah salah satu hal yang paling bikin bahagia dalam hidup belakangan ini. Selain ena, kenyang, belajar resep baru, juga bikin hati penuh dan merasa kalau semua udah cukup. πŸ‘©πŸ»‍πŸŒΎπŸŒ±πŸ‘¨πŸ»‍🌾
A post shared by Rara Sekar (@rarasekar) on

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