Monday, December 01, 2014

eyes wide open

I feel super tired and sleepy as Iam writing this post but there's a lot of thing popping up in my mind that I cant stay still. I feel like writing something but actually have no idea what to write in the first place.
for the last two weeks I watched several thriller and slasher movies specially those with twisted mind characters. not my usual cup of tea, yes. it's probably because I've been really lost with my current romance situation that I feel the need to watch other soul also loosing their mind in even worse situation than mine.
I baked several times. I tried some cookies and brownies recipes. some turned out great, many just got burnt (or I forgot putting something in or I put too many in or I put strange ingredients just because i thought it would taste even better. it didn't). I try really, really hard not to think that I really have no talent at the kitchen. it's fine, nothing is impossible. eventually, I'll get to the point where my cooking is save to consume, finger crossed. it's just the matter of time, fellas..
another thing I did the last two weeks was gardening. my mom and I bought a lemon tree and Iam glad to tell you that he is still very much alive, healthy and growing bigger. this is a good news for me since the last time I planted sunflower it only lasted for a week. now Iam devoting my self raising up my lemon tree till i can enjoy the fruit of my effort, literally and figuratively. I wont let any other living soul die in my hands (so sorry for being careless all this time ;"(().

hmm. I hit my limit. will go to get some sleep before Monday begins. ciao!

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