Thursday, January 02, 2020

The Guessing Game Begins

Welcoming the new year with no resolutions, no short term plan, no confidence on myself whatsoever. It's officially a season's change for me. After resigning from my long term job, I find myself a little stumbling. No, I didn't regret my decision. It's just, washing off those 3 years comes in waves.

I've never been someone who jump in uncertainty without a back up parachute. So yes, this really worries me. What will I do next? How should I make a living? What should I tell my parents? There are millions of question and possibility flashing in my mind about the future. Ooohhhh, future. You always play your favorite game, the guessing game. You, future, gang up with destiny and fate, throwing the dice against me.

I spent the last 2 days of 2020 reading people's new year posts on Instagram. I forget that having a "secured" income and those big plan you're so looking forward to achieve are privileges. The more I scroll the more I get confuse of what I want. People say I can do everything, take a pick. People say I can challenge the storm, prepare the boat. People say I'm ready for the battlefield, wear your armour. In a world where everyone else believe you can be anything you want, what will you be?

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