Friday, May 02, 2014


I couldn't remember either I was awake or half asleep.

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I saw a light. and in that light I found your eyes, shining like the water reflecting the sun light. then I saw your smile. what could be more beautiful than a smile of your loved ones? you were blushing, I didn't know why. well, I should be the one who's blushing thou. you were so gorgeous, beyond any imagination I've ever had about you. I couldn't stop starring and I knew you didn't mind. you looked back at me. I was pretty sure we were lost in our own thought. but at the same time, we had the same vision, a vision that probably wouldn't come true. we were so happy dreaming about it we didn't bother to make it happen. just, floating through the space, no intention to go anywhere, just be there, be presence to each other. that way, we could keep our feeling for ourselves. no need to be afraid of changes and uncertainty.

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we are forever.

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or at least, until the clock strikes twelve and the spell is broken.

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