Saturday, November 21, 2009

happy birthday :)

have i told you about sari's birthday ?

it was a lot of fun !

location : match box , big box's resto
shooted by Vidyanaputri
inside : me

my school mate Vovo drove us to the big box where the party was held . it was me , Vidyanaputri , Nila and Ayusita in the car . we were gossipping during the way to big box . haha there were so much to be told after couple weeks of mid tests ( which means all you have to do is study and study every single minute :p ) . we got lost at first . actually no one knew where the heck big box was . so we ( well , Vovo did ) drove surround Jl. Sulawesi and Jl. Bali until Vidyana opened her BB GPS and ( thank god ) Ayusita could read the map annnddd finally arrived safely at big box . ha !

it was kind of garden party without balloons or confety . the resto , match box , a bit more likely an-open-space-pub . Heineken and sisha are also served ( but Barry declined to buy me Heineken because . . . emmhh he was too afraid of being drunk haha me neither bar ) .

inside : Vovo

our favorite dish ( Syifa and me and Zyra Brenda ) is tahu goreng ( fried tofu a la Indonesia ) with mustard above . yummy yummy . . well , we ate a (BIG) plate of it after we finished with the main dish .

location : match box , big box's resto
shooted by Sugiono
inside : me , Vidyanaputri

after all , i was very happy could enjoy a wonderful Friday night with those guys . the atmosphere was so good that i really wanted to do the pogo dance with everyone ( but i didn't do it instead ) . thank you sari for a sweet birthday party you held . god bless you :)

location : big box
shooted by Vovo
inside : Nila , Ayusita , Vidyanaputri , me

PS : i really want a piece of denim legging that i saw at the mall . sale please :p

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