Monday, November 07, 2016

Ubud: A Revelation

Aih, I already miss that place the moment my plane took off to Surabaya. It's been a week and I often revisiting my memories, playing the moments from the last trip over and over again. A vacation lag (as in jet lag). A good trip is one that we always cherish in our mind when we step back to reality. Am I wise enough?

The main reason for the trip was Ubud Writers and Readers Festival. This year, it invited 3 of my favorite creative minds: Dewi Lestari, Djenar Maesa Ayu and Joko Anwar. Their name came up and I booked my ticket later that evening. Why are they such a big deal? Well, my friend, as a person who enjoy unusual persperctive and living a life in the border of reality and imagination, those 3 people are so good at writting stories. I always enjoy their ideas. I don't agree with all of them, but still, seeing things from another dimention is a great experience for me. Btw, a side from being a writer, they also direct movies. As for Dewi, she composses beautiful songs and bakes.

I didn't take a single picture during their sessions. I felt annoyed if I have to divide my focus on documenting and following the discussion. I wanted to be present in those discussion, to be completely drown to the euphoria and excitement. I didn't want to do anything else but sat down and listened. So I did.

Uuumm, it's a lil bit confusing to write about UWRF, since it's really a unique experience for me. I mean, I've been there twice yet still feeling extatics. Whenever I try to put it on words, I feel like it's not good enough. Or, I probably am not good enough as a storyteller. I wish you could access my memories and watched all the things I'd experience. I really wish you could, it's so much fun being in my head. Haha.

What did I do in Ubud when I were not attending UWRF?

So many plans, so little time. I think the main story of my Ubud trip is EAT. I eat mouthwatering food to satisfy my greed. I stuffed my mouth with a lot of delicious food, always munching something, sipping something. My hands and my mouth never stop reaching for the nearest consume-able things. Never felt hungry, since I kept on filling my tummy. Non stop until I felt like throwing up or fell a sleep.

Then I go to museums, UWRF's poetry slams, screenings, discussions, meditations, sunset gazing, stroll along Jalan Raya Ubud, day dreaming at Indus, watching people pass by at Seniman, speeding to UWRF's surprise events, smilling to strangers, being kind to kids and babies, got lost on the way back to hotel, wearing tanks non stop, forget putting on sun screen, exploitating free food at book launches, too tired to wipe up my make up before bed. Sleeping with out annoying dreams. Those are food for my soul, my idealism, my imaginations. My youth.

You see, as I grow older, I spend money to experience things I know it won't last forever. I want to go to the fullest. I want to taste the wildness. I want to be free from necessities just for another 5 mins. That is what I buy. That is money well spent.

When I thought about my trip on my way back home, I couldn't stop smilling. I reached my equilibrium during my 6 days trip. I met Yin and go home with Yang. I was no longer black, but grey. It's all falling to the right place. I realised, it's not about escaping reality to fly in between clouds of dream. It's about living both, walking the fine line between two worlds, being careful not to stumble and fall. That is enough for now.

I feel like I'm being too kind to myself. Hell no. I should always be kind to myself.


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