Thursday, March 09, 2017

New Jeans Wanted

I just found out earlier this morning that I've gained 5kg for the last 9 months. 5 freakin kilograms! That's a lot piles of fat I've been living with! I've never gained this much weight before. I do gain weight gradually, but only 1kg a year. And the fact that I didn't scale my weight even once for the last 9 months also freaking me out. What the hell happened to me...

Some of my closest friend notice that I grow chubbier than before. 

"Are you happier now?"
"Your job looks amazing, and so are you! Chubbier than ever!"
"This is a good sign. You love it, don't you?"
"Man, congrats! You look different, in a good way!"

I do feel happy. I sometimes forget I have to be grateful for this opportunity, just because I'm really into it. I'm a lucky little brat. I should show more gratitude. I know, I know.

The last 9 months has been a celebration. I literally put any edible things on my mouth. I eat what I want to eat. It's a feasting after all, and I'm toasting for the long overdue suppressed passion.

I believe that over doing this celebration won't be a good thing in a long term. So let's cut back the booze a little, do some cardio, walk more and work harder. I have another miles to conquer and I need to be in my best shape.

(aaaaaanndd I just bought a pretty backless dress so I want to look fabz in it :p)

PS: if you click on the pic, you'll get redirected to the cafe's instagram. All of them are my faves at Surabaya, but most of them are coffee shops.

PPS: since we talk about my fave eating/hanging out places, I'll also link another places I love (but I don't have their food/bev pics) with good coffee, good food and good ambiance. Click here, here, here and here. Do check them out, they are really lovely!

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