Sunday, April 19, 2020

Gun and Run

Day 21 of quarantine
Minus 2 days before my first day at the new work place

I feel super energize this Sunday. Nervous yet excited. There are some issues that have been on delayed but really, they don't really bother me much. I'm taking my time here. I work it out somehow.

I've been deattaching from several things weighting down my shoulder. That is probably why I'm in a so much better and brighter state this past week. The process has been frustating and lonely. But after a while I'm starting to adapt with the new found perspective. Then before I know, it's getting easier to do it. Letting them go and trying to stick with things that spark joy, no matter how small or big they are, have helped me cope up and finally start to move on. That's what I aim to achieve right now.

I can say that, I'm proud of myself. I'm proud for not giving up, for resiliently seek solution, for being vunerable in from of people that care. I'm proud for the courage I build despite numbers of breaking down and breaking heart. I was so close to quit if not because the voice that pleaded me to try once again, this time nothing to loose and to expect. Gun. Run. As fast as I can. Where will this lead me? I have several ideas. For now, truly, I'm grateful to arrive here, today.

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