Monday, June 15, 2009

am i rich enough to become their friend ?

kadang kadang ,ada aja seseorang yang berpikir kaya gitu .

well ,
lately ,
i was talking about this with my 'sister' .
and i surprised that in reality ,
a lot of them trapped in that condition .

they always try to look glamour and branded lovers .
i love shopping , i love branded stuffs but ,
there're so much things that i have to think about more than 'how do i look with this Zara ?' or 'should i spend my savings for this cute armani ?'.
eemh , i'll think million times before decide .

when my sister was telling me that reality ,
i thought how poor she was .

surabaya people usually call it 'macak sugih' .
someone who tries to be looked richer than the reality .

imagine ,
someone is really want to be your friend .
BUT , she lil bit depressses wit your glamour life style ang you're too rich to think about for what your money you spend off .
akhirnya , dia pun berusa jadi seborju kamu , supaya keliatan 'sepadan' .
lama kelamaan , dia jadi kebiasaan untuk hidup 'out of budget', diluar kemampuan dia ( maupun orang tuanya ) .

nahh , yang akhirnya pusing toh orang tuanya .
demi memenuhi kebutuhan anaknya untuk hidup lebih borju ,
mereka kerja keras lebih keras lagi ( nah lo ? ) dari biasanya .
kesana kemari cari pemasukan , biar anaknya seneng .

hal yang harus diseselin adalah si anak jadi keterusan dan berpikir kalo ngabisin duit itu sesuatu yang boleh .
she becomes more consumetive than before .

yyah, we all know how it will end .

morale values :

bikin trendmark kita sendiri .
peduli amat sama Zara atau GAP kalo kita juga bisa memproduksi barang yang sama modelnya dengan lower lower budger .
selain barangnya amat sangat limited edition , kita jua bisa jualan deh ke temen temen .
duitnya ditabungg teruuuuss , kalo uda bejibunn , kita pake travelling ala backpackers !
hahaaa .
itu sii long term plan sayaaa . .

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