Sunday, June 04, 2017

Self Love

There are so many reason to be down and sad. Everyday, we interact with people and that frictions may bring you worries and doubts or even sorrow, event though the other party is probably never meant to do that. 

We are our worst enemy. Sometimes, our mind speaks the harshest and judge us for the worst. Sometime, we blame ourselves too much for the mistakes we commit. Sometimes, we don't let ourselves to get out of the blue, raise up and try again. Sometimes, we give up way too early.

How can we move on?
How can we forget the bitter past?
How can we forgive ourselves for doing the wrong thing?

Trust me, feeling guilty for the rest of your life is not the best way of living a decent life. Here is a better deal. Opt for proving them you've grown out of your mistakes. You'll be working twice harder and you'll need a patience as big as the Pacific. Take that process as a redemption and reward yourself once you achieve the goal. After all, you've work so hard to be better. You can choose to stay at the guilt black hole, being miserable and such. But you choose not to. You choose to be brave, and stand up, and face your horror again. 

So please, don't be so hard to yourself. It's okay to feel sad and down, but always remember to get back to the track again.


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